Do you know who has invented the modern “condominio” (the building with more plans) ?
The Romans, obviously!
They were the first civilisation to utilise flats and apartments. Let’s see how…
They were the first civilisation to utilise flats and apartments. Let’s see how…
In Roman architecture, insulae (derived from the Latin for islands) were large apartment buildings where the lower and middle classes of Romans (la “plebe”) dwelled. They were called so because of the way they looked from a bird's eye view. It would appear these buildings were spaced out like islands (hence the name), while being surrounded by road. The urbanization of the larger Roman cities caused a great demand for housing which was within a comparable vicinity of the city center and real estate was therefore at a premium.
Insula Romana a Piazza dell'Ara Coeli (Piazza Venezia)
As such, private houses were a luxury which only the wealthy could afford. This led to a majority of the inhabitants of the inner city living in apartment and tenement housing called insulae. The floor at ground level was used for tavernas, shops and businesses with living space on the higher floors. These houses were often constructed at minimal expenses for speculative purposes and for this reanson they dindn’t have running water or sanitation. The insulae were therefore of poor construction and prone to fire and collapse, as described by Juvenal.

We have to say...our Insula apartment is decidedly better !! ;-)