mercoledì 18 luglio 2007

La festa dei Noantri

The “Madonna del Carmelo”, in Rome, has assumed, in the years, several peculiar connotations becoming, around 1920, the festivity of “de noantri” (noantri, in roman dialect, means “we other” referring to people who live in Trastevere district regarding those who live, instead, on the opposite side of Tiber river!!). A legend tells that some fishermen, fishing on the Tiber river towards the half of July of a no-well known year, collected, from the river, a case which in the inside hidden one precious statue of the Madonna.
The fishermen, delighted by the beauty of the Vergine, hurried to transfer it in the sant'Agata church where still today she is. From that day, about on the third Sunday of july the Madonna goes on procession from San’Agata church through all the alleyways of Trastevere in order to reach saint Crisogno church, where she stays for eight days at the end of which she comes back to sant'Agata.
The procession was anciently organized by the company of the "vascellari", the potters, but today it’s a task of the “confratelli della Arciconfraternita del Ss. Sacramento e Santa Maria del Carmine”, who, with their white traditional frock, carry the statue throughout Trastevere.
This celebration, a time characterized by the presence of the "vascellari" with their jug overflow of wine, is today characterized by the pagan festivity called festivity of “noantri”.
During these days all people of Trastevere stand to this public party in a climate of common joy with open taverns, manifestations, wondering theatres and open markets. For a week Trastevere become like a small village with all tourists surprised by the caos and confusion and often unware on what is the Christian recurrence.... remember always: FESTA DEI NOANTRI la festa dei Trasteverini!!
Have much fun!