con le scarpe tutte rotte
vien vestita alla romana
viva viva la befana!"
Since the XIII century it is one of the most popular Italian feast long awaited by children!The name derives from Epiphany (the Greek word has an original writing), changed in Beffania to remind the "Beffania's witch" who flung on the houses roof in that night. Once left the double "f" and the "i" the word turned to Befana!
The legend tell us that one day the three Magi left their country with special gifts as Gold, Incense and Myrrh, to reach little Jesus Christ because they wanted to give him their presents. They travelled through many different countries guided by a particular star (the famous Comet) and every town they passed, people run to meet them and join them in their journey.There was only one old woman who wanted to join them but changed her mind at last and stayed at home. The day after, repented and displeased she tried to reach the Magi, but they were too far from her! Therefore the old woman didn't meet the Holy Child neither that time nor ever. Since that time the old woman (called Befana!) visits every house to give the good children all the gifts she didn't give to the Holy Child: to do that she flies on an old Broom with a big canvas sack on her shoulders in the night between the 5th and the 6th January (the same night when she, in the past, remained at her home!).
To celebrate the roman Befana's day with us we have for you a "stornello romano" (a typical dialect song)......